
Monday, January 25, 2010

It's begun!

So I was talking to one of my officers about something and it got brought up that I should start a blog about WoW since I have both been playing for over four years and have led our guild that whole time. Now in that time I've both done and seen a lot of things. Some of these fun times have been seeing the ZG plague wreck havoc in IF, kiting Doom Lord Kazzak into SW, surviving the lag of the AQ opening event, replacing all my hard won tier gear with greens from trash mobs in hellfire penninsula, discovering how easy having a flying mount made questing, clearing kara for the first time, zerging Sarth10+3 for the nightfall title, and getting almost 100 vanity pets on my mage.(yes I am totally proud of that one)

And those are just a few of the memories off the top of my head that I think of when I look back on how long I've been playing WoW. I think I will write on random stuff that pops into my head i.e. opinions on new changes to the game, how to play as a class guides, random rants about loot, etc. It will be fun times...hopefully. At the very least it'll give me something to do while I'm busy not paying attention in class.

Not sure how many people will even read this blog but honestly...I have that much downtime inbetween classes somedays.

1 comment:

  1. Jed + blog = win.

    Like I said in the forums, coming from someone who has been reading WoW blogs for years, you're definetly someone that has worthwhile things to say and worthwhile opinions to share.

    Good luck with this :).
